Founded in 1983, the Division of Architecture is the core major among SAUP. It passed the National Architecture Education Accreditation and provided an undergraduate program in 1996. In the same year, it received the honor to recruit and conduct a graduate program of architecture design and theory. The Department obtained the first-level master's degree program of architecture in 2011 and a first-level doctoral degree program of architecture in 2018. The postdoctoral research station was also established in 2019. The Division of Architecture was selected as a national top-level undergraduate major in 2019. It was also conferred the title of national-level specialty and "Famous Brand Program of Guangdong Province." It has a gourp of eminent scholars such as Meng Jianmin, Fan Yue, Rao Xiaojun, Gong Weimin, He Chuan, Yuan Lei. Chen Jiawei is the current Head of the Department.
After the continuous cultivation for nearly 40 years, SAUP has become an influential and emergent architecture school in Southern China. SAUP has built a "Trinity" pedagogical system of human settlements and built environment, with the coordination of urban informatics research. The research platform of architecture division is led by the Guangdong Province and Shenzhen Key Laboratory,and a series of research teams with clear research directions and reasonable academic teams have been formed around the Benyuan Design Research Center led by Academician Jianmin Meng and the Smart City Research Institute led by Academician Renzhong Guo. The research platform covers various levels and secondary disciplines, which is conducive to interdisciplinary academic research.
Theory and Methodology of Human Settlements, The Frontiers of Modern Architecture, Chinese Architectural History and Theory, Introduction to Green Building, Theory of Urban Design, The Frontiers of Urban Informatics, Thesis Writing
Engaged in architectural research work, in the direction of architectural design and theory, architectural history and heritage protection, building technology and other directions to conduct theoretical research, scientific research and teaching with strong innovation and scientific research capabilities. After graduation, the students can work in research positions in universities, government agencies, and enterprises.
Doreen Heng Liu
中国建筑师, 出生于广州,以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc特聘教授,哈佛大学设计博士,南沙原创建筑设计工作室(NODE Architecture & Urbanism) 创始人、主持建筑师。刘珩于2004年在香港创立了南沙原创建筑设计工作室,担任主持建筑师。多年来刘珩与她的建筑事务所以深圳和南沙为根据地,在大湾区及更广泛地区开展着多元化的建筑创作、城市设计研究和实践活动。曾担任香港中文大学兼任副教授、瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学客席教授,美国加州大学伯克利分校弗瑞德曼教席建筑实践教授。自2020年9月任以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc建筑与城市规划学院特聘教授,主持「粤港澳大湾区创新设计实验室」,建立以城市空间研究为核心课题的世界一流平台,从建筑本体创作为出发点,开展当代建筑创作和跨界跨学科的空间研究。
Doreen Heng LIU, a Chinese architect born in Guangzhou, Distinguished Professor of Shenzhen University, Doctor of Design at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Founder and Principal of NODE Architecture & Urbanism (NODE). In 2004, LIU established her own design practice NODE in Hong Kong. With strong passion for both design practice and academic research, LIU’s interest is to focus on contemporary urbanism in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), especially through the lens of design, to explore the different conditions of urbanization, their impacts on specific locality and reflections on space of architecture and urban design today. LIU taught as Adjunct Associate Professor at School of Architecture, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Guest Professor at D-ARCH, ETH and Friedman Chair of Practice Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. She was appointed as a Distinguished Professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shenzhen University and directed The Greater Bay Area Innovation Design Lab since September 2020. The lab aims to become a world leading research and design platform, to address the global urban problems and explore possibilities through cross-disciplinary and cross-boundary research and design experiments.
Xiaochun Yang
杨晓春,以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc城乡规划系教授,博导,分别在清华大学获得建筑学学士、城市规划与设计硕士,以及同济大学获得城市规划与设计博士,现任以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc建筑与城市规划学院副院长、规划系主任、以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc城市规划设计研究院总规划师,曾任职深圳市城市规划设计研究院。主要研究方向聚焦南方高密度城市的可持续城市设计、城市设计技术管理与开发控制、城乡遗产保护与活化等。兼任中国城市规划学会理事、中国城市规划学会国外城市规划学委会委员、深圳市城市规划协会副会长。 杨晓春老师主持及参与了多项国家自然科学基金和上百项规划设计与研究工作。负责或参与的研究和设计项目曾获得住房和城乡建设部华夏建设科学技术奖、美国建筑师协会国际区域城市设计荣誉奖和多次全国优秀规划设计二、三等奖;带领学生多次获得全国和国际设计类奖项;研究成果发表于城市规划、Building & Environment等国内外知名学术期刊。
Xiaochun Yang, professor and doctoral advisor of the Department of urban and rural planning of Shenzhen University, obtained a Bachelor of architecture, a master of urban planning and design from Tsinghua University and a doctor of urban planning and design from Tongji University. He is now the vice president of the school of architecture and urban planning of Shenzhen University, the head of the Department of planning and the chief planner of the Institute of urban planning and design of Shenzhen University, He once worked in Shenzhen Urban Planning and Design Institute. The main research directions focus on Sustainable Urban Design of high-density cities in the south, urban design technology management and development control, urban and rural heritage protection and activation, etc. He also serves as director of China Urban Planning Society, member of Foreign Urban Planning Committee of China Urban Planning Society, and vice president of Shenzhen Urban Planning Association. Mr. Yang Xiaochun has presided over and participated in a number of National Natural Science Foundation and hundreds of planning, design and research work. The research and design projects in charge of or participated in have won the Huaxia Construction Science and technology award of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the honorary award of international regional urban design of the American Association of architects and many second and third prizes of national excellent planning and design; Lead students to win national and international design awards for many times; The research results have been published in urban planning, building & environment and other well-known academic journals at home and abroad.
Benchen FU
He is currently the deputy director of the BenYuan Design Research Center of Shenzhen University, and also the director of the Architectural Society of China. He has presided over 17 scientific research tasks such as national key research and development program projects, top-level projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and won the first prize of Huaxia Construction Science and Technology, the first prize of Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress, and 6 other prizes; presided over over more than 30 architectural projects such as Dalian Gymnasium, Haxi Development Building, Zhengzhou Citizen's Activity Center, etc., and won the first prize of the National Outstanding Engineering Survey and Design Industry, the WA China Architecture Prize and the Architectural Creation Award of the Architectural Society of China. Main research areas: textile architecture, integration of building industry and information technology, low-carbon design of large-scale public building groups, high-intensity area development and design.
肖 靖
英国诺丁汉大学建筑历史与理论哲学博士学位,长聘副教授,以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc建筑系副主任,国际博士生导师,《世界建筑导报》主编助理。英国皇家建筑师协会RIBA特许建筑师,AHRA英国建筑人文研究协会会员,中国建筑学会建筑评论分会会员,美国文艺复兴学会会员,研究方向包括西方建筑理论、宗教建筑研究、岭南现当代建筑城市史与遗产保护。近五年主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省哲学社会科学十三五规划一般项目等国家级/省部级科研项目9项,曾参与包括哈佛大学Villa I Tatti意大利文艺复兴研究中心暑期项目暨盖蒂基金会、香港政府研究基金等国际研究项目5项,近年在包括2022年美国文艺复兴学会RSA和欧洲建筑史学会EAHN、2020年英国建筑人文研究学会、2018年欧洲城市史学会EAUH等顶尖国际学会年会上发表专题论文,同时发表A&HCI/SSCI/CSSCI等国内外学术期刊论文近20篇,相关学术研究成果为Routledge, Bloomsbury, Springer,中国建筑工业出版社等国内外顶级学术出版社出版,担任Journal of Architecture、Urban Design International等期刊评阅。
Dr Jing Xiao works as a tenured assoiate professor, international PhD supervisor and associate director of Department of Architecture at Shenzhen University, China. He received a PhD in History and Theory of Architecture from the University of Nottingham. He is also the assistant editor of World Architectural Review. He receives membership from the varieties of academic associations, including the Royal Institute of British Architects, Architectural Humanities Research Association, the Architectural Academy of China, the Renaissance Society of America. His research focuses on western architectural theory, religious architecture and modern and contemporary urban history and heritage studies in South China. He has also secured about 9 research funds from various national bodies, including National Science Foundation and Guangdong Province Philosophy & Social Sciences Foundation Research Fund, as well as participating many international research funds, including Hong Kong Government Research Fund, and Harvard University Villa I Tatti/Getty Foundation. He participates in many international conferences as panel speaker, like RSA 2022, AHRA 2020 and EAUH 2018. Many of his research outputs have been issued by international publishers including Routledge, Bloomsbury, Springer and the Architecture and Building Press of China. He now works as journal reviewer for Journal of Architecture and Urban Design International.
上一篇: 学科及导师简介(城市空间信息工程)Program and Supervisor Profiles(Urban Informatics)