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学科及导师简介(新闻传播学)Program and Supervisor Profiles(Journalism and Communication)
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新闻传播学Journalism and Communication


Journalism and Communication


Journalism and communication, as a humanities and social science, is a discipline that studies the process of social interaction, news and information communication, media industry and media culture. Based in Shenzhen, a Special Economic Zone as the pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as key city in the national strategy of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, this program aims to train students with global perspectives, academic capabilities, critical thinking, and innovative spirits.

To Assist Doctoral Students in:

1. establishing theoretical basis for humanities and social sciences.

2. understanding the knowledge map of journalism and mass communications.

3. broadening their visions with international knowledge, thus enhancing their creative and innovative capabilities in conducting academic research.

4. training them to be world-class researchers and analysts in communication studies; or outstanding professionals in the journalism and  communication industry.


Journalism and Communication theories and literature study, Research methods of Journalism and Communication, Academic Research and Thesis Writing, Media and Cultural Studies, Digital Media and Society.


The majority of graduates work in positions aligned with this program. Most are employed as teachers or researchers at universities or scientific research institutions.


 Beibei Li





Hui Liu



毕业于中国传媒大学影视艺术学院。2006年入职深大,现为以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc传播学院教授。2015年加州大学洛杉矶分校电影、电视和戏剧学院的制片人专业(Producer Program)担任访问学者,2017年喀什大学人文学院支教。主要研究领域为娱乐媒介研究、创意文化产业、艺术与技术、港台电影和电视。曾在《文艺研究》、《当代电影》、《电影艺术》等发表论文50余篇。详见


LIU Hui is Professor at the School of Mass Communication, Shenzhen University. He was also visiting scholar at UCLA .His research interests include: the commercial aesthetics of early Chinese film, the Shaw’s film studies, Chinese current film industry, the Japanese-occupied Chinese film industry in 1941--45. Now he is working on a book of Chinese film history of how western film industry influences early Chinese film production in different levels. 





DAI Yonghong





Professor DAI,Yonghong,is Distinguished Professor and Dean of College of International Studies, Director of Institute of Area and International Communication,Director of Center for China’s Overseas Interests, Director of Institute of Bay of Bengal Studies, Shenzhen University, China. Prof. Dai is a state-level leading talent of Shenzhen Municipality and chief expert of several major projects of National Social Science Fund and of Ministry of Education. He is council member of Chinese Association for South Asian Studies. He also works as adjunct professor of Institute of South Asia Studies at Sichuan University, member of academic committee for National High-end Think Tank of China Center for South Asia Studies at Sichuan University, visiting professor of the National Institute of Governance at HuazhongUniversity of Science and Technology, and senior visiting fellow at ISDP (Institute for Security & Development Policy, Stockholm, Sweden). Prof. Dai’s research has long been focused on International Relations (International Politics and International Strategy) and International Communication (Strategic Communication and Political Communication) and World Economy (International Trade and Energy Cooperation) etc. From 1986 to 2019, he was dedicated to research and teaching at the Institute of South Asia Studies at Sichuan University.  Prof. Dai has published ten monographs, participated in the edit of 10 academic works, and published over 100 research articles. He is in charge of a high-profile research project supported by the National Social Sciences Foundation. Additionally, he is the leader of two general research projects supported by the National Social Sciences Foundation. He also leads a high-profile project supported by the Ministry of Education (Political Parties and Legal Environment in South Asian Countries and " B&R"Initiative) along with more than ten provincial research projects. Professor Dai is awarded the second prize by the Ministry of Education twice in International Studies and the third prize once in Social Sciences in Sichuan Province. He has visited about 50 countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Croatia, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. During these visits, he attended international academic conferences more than 50 times, among which over 30 academic conferences are related to the BRI.Expertise.






XU Ying





她目前主持包括国家社科基金项目《新时代筹款类微公益的公信力研究》等多个相关项目。她的文章发表在Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, British Journal of Social Work, Environmental Politics, China: An International Journal 等多个SSCI期刊上。此外,她还与斯普林格出版社签约,其新著将被收录到多样性与包容性研究丛书。


  Dr. XU is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Shenzhen University in China. She received her PhD in Social Welfare from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

She has over a decade of research and teaching experience in the fields of social trust, volunteerism, public sphere and the new media research, and China studies. She has worked as a visiting research fellow at the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, and an Assistant Professor at the Social Work Department in CUHK. She was honored as “Young Scholars in Asia” at the 80th Annual Conference of the Japanese Sociological Society, and was appointed as a consultant by United Nations Volunteers and a Chapter contributor to State of the World’s Volunteerism Report 2011.

She is conducting several related projects such as Public Trust on Fundraising of the E-Philanthropy in China’s New Era funded by the National Social Science Fund of China. Her work appears in SSCI journals such as the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, British Journal of Social Work, Environmental Politics, China: An International Journal, and so forth. She has also signed a book contract with Springer, which is included in the Springer Book series “Diversity and Inclusion Research”.






Bolin Cao



曹博林,以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc传播学院长聘副教授,网络与新媒体系主任,博士生导师,担任Frontiers in Psychology - Health Psychology副主编。深圳市海外高层次(孔雀计划)人才,深圳市南山区领航人才,以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc荔园优青。北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校公共卫生项目博士后,香港城市大学博士。近五年在SCI/SSCI/CSSCI期刊发表论文近50篇,在Information, Communication & Society, Health Communication, Computers in Human Behavior, Information Processing & Management, Journal of Medical Internet Research, and AIDS and Behavior中英文重要期刊上发表论文主持国家社会科学基金项目2项“AI人机互动促进心理健康的传播效能研究”和“线上医患交流平台的健康传播效果和风险评估研究”。近期的研究兴趣包括人机互动研究(聊天机器人及ChatGPT相关)、健康传播研究和计算传播学研究等。


Bolin Cao, tenured associate professor at Shenzhen University School of Media and Communication, head of the Department of Internet and New Media, once serves as the Deputy Editor for Frontiers in Psychology - Health Psychology. Recognized under Shenzhen's Overseas High-level Talent (Peacock Plan), a leading talent of Nanshan District in Shenzhen, and a distinguished young researcher at Shenzhen University. She worked as Postdoctoral fellow for a public health project at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and obtained her PhD from City University of Hong Kong. Her main research areas are human-machine interaction, health communication, and cyberpsychology. In the last five years, she has published approximately 50 papers in SCI/SSCI/CSSCI journals, with articles in top-tier journals such as Information, Communication & Society, Health Communication, Computers in Human Behavior, Information Processing & Management, Journal of Medical Internet Research, and AIDS and Behavior. She has chaired two projects funded by the National Social Science Fund of China on the topics of "AI human-machine interaction to promote mental health" and "Online doctor-patient communication: Health communication effects and risk assessment" and multiple provincial and municipal projects. Recent research interests include human-machine interaction (chatbot such as ChatGPT), health Communication and computational communication.





Cindy Zhang



张丹阳,以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc外国语学院助理教授,副院长,海外博士生导师,深圳市海外高层次人才。剑桥大学教育学博士,伦敦大学学院应用语言学、教育技术双硕士。现主持国家社科基金项目1项,广东省级重点项目1项,深圳市级重点项目1项,校级项目2项,主编教材1部,参编教材1部。曾在Applied Linguistics, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Language Teaching Research,《外语电化教学》等权威SSCICSSC期刊中发表二十余篇高水平论文。现任中国英汉语比较研究会语言智能教学专业委员会理事、PacCALL(环太平洋地区计算机辅助外语教学协会)理事及多家SSCI期刊审稿专家。曾荣获全国师生信息素养提升实践活动研讨作品《中国电化教育》杂志社人工智能+教育论文征集活动创新论文英国教育研究协会年会最佳教育技术论文以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc新锐研究生导师以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc优秀本科教师以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc优秀实习指导教师等荣誉称号和奖项。主要研究领域:外语教育技术、国际传播、教师发展。


Dr. Danyang Zhang is an Assistant Professor and Associate Dean at the College of International Studies, Shenzhen University. Her research interests include technology-enhanced language learning, international communication and teacher development. Danyang has published her work in numerous SSCI journals, including Applied Linguistics, Computer Assisted Language Learning and Language Teaching Research. She currently serves as a journal reviewer for ReCALL, Language Learning & Technology, Virtual Reality and Interactive Learning Environments. She has presented her projects at international conferences, including BERA, CALL and EUROCALL. She is the winner of the BJET Best EdTech Paper Award and an awardee of the mLearn Conference Best Paper.





Xiaohong ZHANG



张晓红,以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc副校长,比较文学教授、博士生导师,荷兰莱顿大学比较文学博士,任《以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc学报(人文社会科学版)》主编,国家语委语言文字推广基地主任、教育部战略研究基地主任、广东省哲学社会科学重点实验室主任、深圳市香蜜湖国际金融科技研究院理事长。兼中国比较文学学会常务理事、深圳市社会科学联合会副主席。主要研究领域为比较文学、国际传播等,在Journal of Modern Literature,Comparative Literature Studies和《文学评论》等SSCI、A&HCI及CSSCI索引国内外权威期刊上发表中英文论文70多篇,出版The Invention of a Discourse和《英国跨文化小说中的身份错乱》等专(合)著6部,学术译著8部。主持国家社科基金项目2项,省部级重大项目3项,其他省部级项目5项。20余篇咨政信息获中办、国办、省府办等高层次采纳,其中获国家主要领导人肯定性批示2篇,获省部级领导肯定性批示5篇。


Zhang Xiaohong studied English and American literature, applied linguistics and Chinese literature in Hunan Normal University, Hunan University and Leiden University. As a well-established professor of comparative literature, she also functions as Vice President of Shenzhen University. She is on the executive council of Chinese Comparative Literature Association (CCLA). She has (co-)authored six monographs in Chinese and English on a variety of subjects like contemporary Chinese womens poetry, comparative poetics and postcolonial writings. She has published extensively in renowned international and Chinese journals. Among her recent publications, The Personal is Political: A Comparative Study of Contemporary Chinese and American Confessional Poetry, Comparative Literature Studies 54 (2017); The Political (Un)conscious: Rethinking Aesthetics from a Cross-Cultural Perspective, Comparative Literature and Culture 20 (2018); An EcoFeminist Perspective on Sylvia Plath and Zhai Yongming, Comparative Literature Studies 55 (2018); When dreams become nightmares: a comparative study of Enemies, a love story and The Reader, neohelicon (2019) 46: 285-301; Between Modern and Postmodern: Contemporary Chinese Poetry from the Outside in,,Journal of Modern Literature 44 (2021); The Influence of the Chinese Cinderella (Yeh-Shen) on the Evolving Image of Cinderella in the West, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 10.1 (2023).





Guang YANG





Guang Yang, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, and Associate Dean at the School of Communication, Shenzhen University. She holds a prestigious appointment in the "Peacock Plan" of Shenzhen City. Prof. Yang has presided over multiple national, provincial, and municipal social science foundation projects, and has published numerous influential Chinese and English papers in top-tier academic journals. Currently, she is leading a national-level Social Science Fund project titled “Research on the Manifestations, Patterns, and Governance of Public Opinion Polarization in the Era of Intelligent Media.”
Her research interests encompass network communication, public opinion polarization, algorithmic news, digital civilization, and health communication. Her scholarly achievements have garnered her several awards from provincial and municipal governments, including winning the Second Prize of the Guangdong Provincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievements Award twice, and recognition for outstanding annual papers by the top-tier journal “Journal of Journalism & Communication.” Additionally, she has been honored with the title of “Excellent Teacher of Shenzhen.”


