Xiaodong Fang
深圳技术大学特聘教授。日本大阪大学工学博士。先后就职日本日立公司任半导体工艺技术主任工程师、日本大阪大学产业研究所客座教授、中科院研究员、中国科技大学教授、博导。主要研究方向是激光技术和微纳器件。主要特长是准分子激光技术及应用研究。作为项目(课题)负责人主持了国家科技重大专项、国家重大科研仪器研制项目、国家自然科学基金等项目,在集成电路半导体光刻光源技术、高端平板显示制造准分子激光装备关键技术、准分子激光医疗技术等领域取得一系列研究成果,获省级技术发明一等奖(第一发明人),二等奖多项。以第一或通讯作者身份发表SCI/EI学术论文一百多篇,申请国内外发明专利60余项。 现任中国感光学会常务理事、中国感光学会影像信息材料与技术专委会主任、《量子电子学》杂志编委等职。
Dr. Fang Xiaodong is the distinguished Professor at SHENZHEN Technology University. He received a BS from CAS, and a Ph.D. from Osaka University.
Fang’s research interests are in laser technology and semiconductor materials/divices. He has written more than 15 0 articles, and has more than 50 issued patents. From 2008, Fang forcus his developments on key technologies of excimer laser for advanced manufacturing equipments in IC semiconductor manufacture and new type flat panel display industry. He has led teams developed and launched several award-winning technologies.
Fang is executive member of the council in Chinese Society for Imaging Science and Technology.
Han Peigang
韩培刚,博士生导师,特聘教授,学科带头人,2015年中国侨界科技(创新人才)贡献奖获得者。韩培刚博士毕业于香港城市大学,获工学博士学位,拥有近三十年新材料与新能源产业研发经历,200多家企业技术服务和工程建造经验。现任深圳技术大学新材料与新能源学院院长、广东省高校晶体生长与应用工程研究中心主任, 在国内外已发表学术论文40多篇,拥有中国专利技术5项,目前主持省级、市级和企业横向科研项目4项,在研项目经费充足,总经费达1000万元。现主要研究方向为新能源技术和先进碳材料,目前指导博士生1名,硕士生7名。
Han Peigang, doctoral supervisor, academic leader, national distinguished expert, 2015 Chinese Overseas Chinese Science and Technology (Innovative Talents) Contribution Award winner. Dr. Peigang Han graduated from City University of Hong Kong with a PhD in engineering. He has nearly 30 years of experience in the research and development of new materials and new energies, and has more than 200 enterprises' technical service and engineering construction experience. Currently, acting as the dean of School of New Materials and New Energy, Shenzhen Technology University , and the director of Crystal Growth and Application Engineering Research Center of Guangdong Universities of Guangdong Province. He has published more than 40 academic papers at home and abroad, owns 5 chinese patent technologies, and currently hosts 4 provincial, municipal and enterprise research projects. The research projects are fully funded, with a total fund of 10 million yuan. The main research direction is new energy technology and advanced carbon materials, currently supervising 1 doctoral student, 7 master students.