授课日期 |
授课时间 |
授课地点 |
主题 |
内容概要 |
授课教师 |
3.28-3.30 第一周 |
13:00-13:40 |
腾讯会议 |
语音训练 |
对拼音、声调进行训练 |
陈玉君 |
13:50-14:30 |
网购、快递与外卖 |
怎么在网上购物、寄/收快递、怎么订外卖 |
4.4-4.6 第二周 |
13:00-13:40 |
语音训练 |
对拼音、声调进行训练 |
陈玉君 |
13:50-14:30 |
网购、快递与外卖 |
怎么在网上购物、寄/收快递、怎么订外卖 |
4.11-4.13 第三周 |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
吃在深圳1 |
在中餐厅点菜,谈论菜的味道 |
周永强 |
4.18-4.20 第四周 |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
吃在深圳2 |
谈论菜的味道;介绍深圳的美食 |
周永强 |
4.25-4.27 第五周 |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
在深圳看病 |
怎么挂号、缴费、买药;与医生沟通 |
黄维维 |
授课日期 |
授课时间 |
授课地点 |
主题 |
内容概要 |
授课教师 |
5.9-5.11 第一周 |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
腾讯会议 |
深圳的交通 |
怎么乘坐公共汽车、地铁和出租车(网约车);与司机师傅交流 |
周永强 |
5.16-5.18 第二周 |
13:00-13:40 |
语音训练 |
对拼音、声调进行训练 |
罗煌辉 |
13:50-14:30 |
怎么在中介公司租房子;谈论房子的情况 |
5.23-5.25 第三周 |
13:00-13:40 |
语音训练 |
对拼音、声调进行训练 |
罗煌辉 |
13:50-14:30 |
怎么在中介公司租房子;谈论房子的情况 |
5.30-6.1 第四周 |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
物业、家政与邻里关系 |
怎么与物业和邻居沟通、请师傅维修物品、请阿姨打扫卫生 |
黄巍 |
6.6-6.8 第五周 |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
在深圳美发、按摩 |
怎么在理发店理发、如何应对推销、在按摩的时候如何沟通 |
黄维维 |
刘慧军 |
以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc副教授,30余年国际中文教育经验,曾讲授《汉语语言学》、《观察与实践》等研究生课程以及汉语言文学专业本科课程,经验非常丰富。主编过教材《探索汉语▪入门篇》和《探索汉语▪初级篇》。在教学中以“字本位”理论为基础,在教学方法上独树一帜,形成了一套独特的不依靠学生母语,不使用任何中介语的全汉语教学的教学方法。 |
硕士研究生,20年留学生汉语教学经验,曾执教语言生入门班至商务班所有层级、汉语言文学专业本科生以及管理学院本科生的汉语课程,经验非常丰富。在教学过程中注重寓教于乐、教学相长、举一反三的教学方法,注重调动学生的学习积极性与主动性,培养学生学习汉语的兴趣,将学习从“苦差事”变为“乐趣”。也受到了留学生的广泛接受与好评。 |
硕士研究生,15年留学生汉语教学经验,教授课程主要为入门、初级和中级的阅读、听说等课程,经验丰富,擅长词汇和语法教学。在教学中以学生为中心,因材施教,精讲多练,力求做到学以致用,收获了学生们的一致好评。 |
硕士研究生,15年留学生汉语教学经验,曾执教语言生入门班至商务班所有层级、学历本科生以及硕博研究生的汉语课程,经验相当丰富。教学风格沉稳踏实,注重深入浅出化繁为简,善于营造轻松活跃的班级氛围,用真诚与学生相处,对学生严而有度,获得了学生们一致的好评。 |
陈玉君 |
以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc中文系毕业,主修汉语言文学。20年留学生汉语教学经验。主要教授入门班和初级班的口语课程。秉持寓教于乐、平等、引导式、情景式的教学理念,相信“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”,让学生发现学习的路径和乐趣,帮助他们更好地适应并且享受在中国的生活。 |
3000元/一期 (6人以上开班)
Email: ciec@szu.edu.cn
Admission Brochure for Short-term Practical Chinese Course
at Shenzhen University
Shenzhen University:
The only comprehensive university in Shenzhen ranked among the first top 30 universities in China
with a beautiful campus.
College of International Exchange:
Granted the National Quality Certification of Studying in China by he China Education Association for International Exchange.
Educating over 20,000 international students so far.
It is the most recognized educational institute for teaching Chinese to international students.
Course Duration:
Session One
13:00-14:30pm on every Tuesdays to Thursdays from March 28 to April 27, 2023 (5 weeks)
Session Two
13:00-14:30pm on every Tuesdays to Thursdays from May 9 to June 8, 2023 (5 weeks) (excluding public holidays)
Mode of Delivery
Offline: Room 206 at the Zonghe Building, Shenzhen University
Online: Voov meeting(腾讯会议)
Course Schedule and Venue:
Session One:
Week |
Time |
Venue |
Topic |
Content |
Instructor |
3.28-3.30 Week One |
13:00-13:40 |
Room 206 at the Zonghe Building
Voov Meeting(腾讯会议)
Practice on pronunciation |
Training on Pinyin and intonation |
Ms. Chen Yujun
13:50-14:30 |
Online shopping, mail and food-order delivery
Learning how to shop online, how to mail/receive delivery package, and how to order food
4.4-4.6 Week Two |
13:00-13:40 |
Practice on pronunciation |
Training on Pinyin and intonation |
Ms. Chen Yujun
13:50-14:30 |
Online shopping, mail and food-order delivery |
Learning how to shop online, how to mail/receive delivery package, and how to order food |
4.11-4.13 Week Three |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
Eating in Shenzhen 1
How do we order food in Chinese restaurant? How do we comment on taste of food? |
Mr. Zhou Yongqiang
4.18-4.20 Week Four |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
Eating in Shenzhen 2 |
How do we comment on taste of food? How do we introduce Shenzhen cuisine? |
Mr. Zhou Yongqiang
4.25-4.27 Week Five |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
Seeing a doctor in Shenzh |
How do we register and pay in hospitals? How do we communicate |
Ms. Huang Weiwei
Session Two:
Week |
Time |
Venue |
Topic |
Content |
Instructor |
5.9-5.11 Week One |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
Room 206 at the Zonghe Building
Voov Meeting(腾讯会议)
Traffic in Shenzhen
How do we take public transit such as bus, subway and taxi? How do we communicate with taxi drivers?
Mr. Zhou Yongqiang
5.16-5.18 Week Two |
13:00-13:40 |
Practice on pronunciation |
Training on Pinyin and intonation |
Ms. Luo Huanghui
13:50-14:30 |
Renting apartments in Shenzhen |
How do we rent apartments with real-estate agents? How do we comment on the conditions of the property? |
5.23-5.25 Week Three
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30
Practice on pronunciation
Training on Pinyin and intonation |
Ms. Luo Huanghui
Renting apartments in Shenzhen |
How do we rent apartments with real-estate agents? How do we comment on the conditions of the property? |
Mr. Zhou Yongqiang
5.30-6.1 Week Four |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
Property, housekeeping and neighborhood |
Learning how to communicate with property offices and neighbors; how to have your items repaired and fixed; how to have your house cleaned up as paid service
Ms. Huang Wei
6.6-6.8 Week Five |
13:00-13:40 13:50-14:30 |
Seeing a doctor in Shenzhen |
How do we register and pay in hospitals? How do we communicate with doctors and buy medicine? |
Ms. Huang Weiwei |
Note: The course content could be readjusted according to the actual levels and needs of the students.
What is special about our course?
We are a well-recognized team of excellent Chinese teachers.
We try our best to offer you practical Chinese skills with both an effective and interesting approach.
We integrate pronunciation training in speaking exercises
You will not only learn the Chinese language itself, but also get a chance to experience Chinese cultures.
Ms. Liu Huijun |
Associate Professor at Shenzhen University, Ms. Liu has over three decades of teaching, offering Chinese Linguistics, Observation and Practice and other postgraduate and undergraduate courses, with tremendously rich experiences. She compiled textbooks Exploring Chinese for Beginners and Exploring Chinese for Learners at Elementary Level. Her teaching approach is unique in the way that it does not rely on students’ native language or any other language medium for communication. This full-Chinese immersion allows students to get more exposure to the target language in classroom learning, which proves to be both popular and productive. |
Mr. Zhou Yongqiang |
Gradated with an M.A. degree, Mr. Zhou has 20 years of Chinese teaching experience. He offers various types of Chinese courses at all levels, covering non-degree and degree-based programs at different colleges as well. His classrooms are full of fun because he manages to motivate students to be active and curious learners in the language and inspire them to apply what is learned to practical life. His teaching approach is widely accepted and applauded. |
Ms. Luo Huanghui |
Graduated with an M.A. degree, Ms.Luo has 15 years of Chinese teaching experience. She mainly offers reading, listening, and speaking courses at beginner’s, primary and intermediate levels, with rich experience in teaching vocabulary and grammar. In her classrooms, students are the center, who are embraced with flexible approach and targeted practices, so as to put knowledge into practical use. Her signature teaching style is also popular with our students. |
Ms. Huang Weiwei
Graduated with an M.A. degree, Ms. Huang Weiwei has 15 years of Chinese teaching experience. She offers various types of Chinese courses at all levels, covering non-degree and degree-based programs at different colleges (for postgraduate students) as well. She is best at turning complicated language points into ones that are easily and effectively understood and creating both a solid and relaxing learning environment for students. She treats students with so much sincerity, care, and necessary discipline, that students reward her with great learning achievement and gratitude. |
Ms. Chen Yujun |
Graduated as a Chinese Language and Literature major in Shenzhen University, Ms. Chen has been teaching Chinese to international students for 20 years. She mainly offers speaking courses at beginner’s and elementary levels. Her teaching philosophy is built upon teacher/student equality, integration of learning and playing, and scenario-based inspiration. She believes education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel, and tries to guide students to find a way and interest in learning, as well as to help them better fit in and enjoy their life in China. |
Tuition fees:
3,000 RMB/session;
5,600 RMB for two sessions;
(The course will be offered to a minimum class size of 6 students)
10% off for old students from College of International Exchange
Contacts:Ms. Huang Wei
Please contact Ms. Huang Wei on WeChat for more information.
To apply online:
Application Deadline:One week before the class start
Email: ciec@szu.edu.cn
Visa is not provided.